Ashish Vidyarthi tied the knot with Rupali Barua in an intimate wedding on May 25. The actor's first wife, Rajoshi Barua, has dropped cryptic posts on her Instagram page. 

Ashish Vidyarthi's first wife, Rajoshi, dropped cryptic posts on Instagram after his wedding to fashion entrepreneur, Rupali Barua.
Ashish Vidyarthi's first wife, Rajoshi, dropped cryptic posts on Instagram after his wedding to fashion entrepreneur, Rupali Barua.

In Short

  • Ashish Vidyarthi got married to Rupali Barua at 60.
  • His first wife, Rajoshi Vidyarthi, dropped cryptic posts on Instagram.
  • Ashish and Rajoshi were married for 23 years.

  • STORYBLOGGING ADDA  ENTERTAINMENT : Popular actor Ashish Vidyarthi took the internet by storm when photos of his wedding went viral on social media. He tied the knot with fashion entrepreneur, Rupali Barua, who hails from Assam. At the age of 60, Ashish got married for the second time. Meanwhile, his first wife, Rajoshi AKA Piloo Vidyarthi has shared cryptic posts on her Instagram page.

    Ashish Vidyarthi had a simple court wedding in the presence of family members and close friends. They followed traditions from Kerala and Assam at the wedding.

    Meanwhile, actress Rajoshi (Piloo Vidyarthi), who was Ashish's first wife has been sharing posts on her Instagram page, which is getting a lot of attention. Taking to Instagram stories, she shared a post with the quote, "The right one will not make you question what you mean to them. They will not do what they know hurts you. Remember that (sic)."

    In another post, Piloo seems to be agreeing with how overthinking will ruin calmness in life. The post read, "You've been strong long enough., it's time to start receiving your blessings. You deserve it (sic)."

  • Here's the post:

    She also dropped a photo of herself and wrote, "Do not get PUZZLED in the puzzle called LIFE #lifequotes #selfcare #resolve #mindfulness #keepsmiling #truesayings #instaquotes (sic)."

    Here's the post:

    Rajoshi Barua is an actress herself. She is the daughter of yesteryear actress Shakuntala Barua. Ashish and Rajoshi were married for 23 years and they have a son, Arth Vidyarthi.


    Ashish Vidyarthi's wife, Rupali Barua, is a fashion entrepreneur hailing from Guwahati. She is associated with a fashion store in Kolkata.

    Speaking to The Times of India, Ashish said, "At this stage of my life, getting married to Rupali is an extraordinary feeling. We had a court marriage in the morning, followed by a get-together in the evening. We met some time ago and decided to take it forward. But both of us wanted our wedding to be a small family affair."

    Their wedding pictures are now going viral on social media.